Sarah Kawamoto Mietwagen
Giselastraße 1
85399 Hallbergmoos
Tel: +49 (0) 1701611278
contact form
Value-added tax identification number (§ 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz):
DE 813119315
responsible controlling institution: Gewerbeamt Stadt Munich
Responsible for contents (§ 10 Absatz 3 MDStV):
Sarah Kawamoto (address see above)
Liability notes
In spite of careful consideration we cannot assume liability for the provided contents of external links. Their suppliers are solely responsible for contents of their sites.
data privacy statement §13 TMG
Our websites does not use permanent cookies
We use only temporary cookies, which will be deleted automatically after your visit on this website.
data of forms
If you send us an email with our contact- or bookingforms, we will keep your data in confidence. We will save this data only for business transaction. Please inform us if we should cancel entries. For contact data see above.
social media
For plugins with tracking codes(Like-Button, ...) our customer can use our plugin-bar which must be activated by visitors.
on this site
Facebook -plugins: not in use
Google+1 -plugins: not in use
Xing -plugins: not in use
statistic analysis
Content-housing saves data of use only without reffering to visitors.
on this site
Google Analytics: not in use
advertisement from foreign distributers
on this site
Google Adsence: not in use
right of access to personal data
You always be entitled to ask for your recorded data an its use. For contact data see above.
closing words of Content-housing coder
We refuse to collect unnecessary data. We do right from the start of our coding activities. But we also know, that communication on the internet will have security vulnerabilities at all time.
So - be carefull.
project management: redaktion-i-media
technical conversion: content-housing websites